Polypropylene Cutting Board // เขียงอุตสาหกรรม

We proud to present the prime quality polypropylene cutting board via the brand name “PANA TECH®” which is specialized in use of Swing Arm and Beam Press Clicking Machine for cutting leather, rubber, felt, textile, insole and so many kind of materials that we also supply to many countries in the world include India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Colombia and Chile. 

 #Cutting Board , #Polypropylene Cutting Board,#Industrial Cutting Board

850 x 450 x 50 1200 x 450 x 50
900 x 450 x 25 1200 x 500 x 50
900 x 425 x 50 1500 x 450 x50
900 x 450 x 50 1500 x 500 x 50
900 x 450 x 70 1600 x 500 x 30
1000 x 500 x 50 1600 x 500 x 50
And upon request


Polypropylene cutting board is specialized in manufacture that used as a cutting surface to varieties of  foods. 

  We made it form a supreme grade of thermoplastic material with the high excellently production  as certificate referencing from FDA (Food  and Drug Administration) from United state of America.